
JIB Medical provides the following services:


Annual complete check-up.

  • This includes a complete physical exam and medical history, as well as electrocardiogram and laboratory tests as indicated.
  • It is designed to address any current medical problems and to work with each patient to prevent as many future problems as possible and to help patients have as long, fit and healthy life as possible.

Apprentice exams (arranged by the relevant Apprenticeship Program).

Commercial Driver’s License (CDL) exams are now performed by an outside physician to whom we can refer you.

  • The pulmonary function portion of the exam (if needed) is NOT done at JIB.
  • Appointments must be made in advance.

Dieticians - Available in person or online

Immunizations - Flu shots and most others 

Optical department services located in the Electchester Shopping Center - Examinations for glasses or contact lenses. 

Requests to perform prescribed tests from a patient’s doctor

Specialty appointments

  • Podiatry
  • Gynecology
  • Acupuntcure
  • Dietician

Specialty programs

  • Smoking Cessation
  • Lighten Up! Weight Loss program (telehealth visits only) 

    “The LightenUp program is temporarily ON HOLD, it’s being evaluated. No longer accepting new applicants at this time.”

  • Stress Reduction (in person and telehealth visits online)

To learn about our programs, click here.

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Frequently Asked Questions

What are the fasting instructions for a fasting bloodwork?

For routine annual exam blood work, patients can come in without fasting, but it is very important to tell us if you have eaten. The food intake prior to blood tests should be very modest and not greasy or over-sugared.

Eating affects blood sugar, but if we know you have eaten, we can adjust for that. Blood draw after eating does not affect cholesterol levels, but does give us a better idea of your level of triglycerides (blood fats)

Some tests must be fasting, which means no food of any kind. If fasting, you should take lots of water and any medicines you are on.

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