About JIB Wellness

About JIB Wellness

JIB Medical values the physical and emotional health and well-being of our staff and participants and is making progress in promoting ways to enjoy a healthy way of life in our work and home environments. Being healthy and taking care of ourselves and our households in the best way possible is a priority. Our wellness program provides ways to help us improve our quality of life which helps make our work life more productive and more satisfying.

The programs are designed to encourage all staff and participants to live healthier lifestyles and create a culture of health and wellness throughout our individual communities.

At JIB medical our greatest interest has always been preventive medicine. It is much better to stay healthy than it is trying to fight off diseases once you are already sick. Currently 95% of medical care is just reactive – something goes wrong and doctors try to fix it. More and more, people are beginning to realize how much better it is to avoid things from going wrong and how effective good preventive care can be.  

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Frequently Asked Questions

What are the fasting instructions for a fasting bloodwork?

For routine annual exam blood work, patients can come in without fasting, but it is very important to tell us if you have eaten. The food intake prior to blood tests should be very modest and not greasy or over-sugared.

Eating affects blood sugar, but if we know you have eaten, we can adjust for that. Blood draw after eating does not affect cholesterol levels, but does give us a better idea of your level of triglycerides (blood fats)

Some tests must be fasting, which means no food of any kind. If fasting, you should take lots of water and any medicines you are on.

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